Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Mt. Hood Meadows Offers 'Rest of Season' Pass

It's finally winter on Mt. Hood and Meadows is already rolling out what it normally calls its 'Spring Pass.' It's hard to call it that this year since over the past few weeks they've just started running all the lifts and they also just cracked the 100" base mark. You know, things that generally happen in January. In other 'every winter is weirder than the last' news, I haven't even ridden at Meadows yet! Tomorrow is set to be day #1 there. It's mid-February and I've been spending all my time in the gym hoping I'm ready when the snow finally hits. Well, it's hitting now and I won't be. I got that wake-up call a few weeks ago at Copper Mountain, Colorado. Good thing it was a demo, so I had an excuse to stop every two runs. Now it's just time to break out the pow trousers and the Charlie Slasher, wax that ass, fall off the lift and point it SFD. Hoo Wee! Good times ahead!!

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